Geopoly top bar full explanation is here! Learn all about it and become a pro.

2 min readJul 19, 2022

The first item you can find on the left is your HQ status, it indicates the level of your headquarters and your XP. If you click on it, you can view your ranking in the game and more detailed info about your account.

In the central button panel, you will see more information about the different types of assets you own:

  • Cash: check how much cash you have and your hourly income. Pro tip: Claim before you close the game, and save some space from your trucks
  • Gold: indicates the total gold bars you have at the moment. Catch the zeppelin to collect free gold every day!
  • Armored Truck: this icon shows how many trucks are collecting your cash, and will determine your storage capacity. The more trucks you have, the more in-game cash you can store per hour.
  • Workers: constructor Biggy will help you upgrade your businesses. Put him to work to improve your properties.
  • Corporate Biggy: indicates your Manage Capacity (MC). You will need it to run your businesses, the amount needed will vary according to property type. MC can be gained by building or upgrading Branches. Each Branch will start with 5 MC that you can upgrade for more.
  • GEO$: the total amount of GEO$ tokens you have will be reflected here. If you need to buy more GEO$, just click on the icon and you will be redirected to the site.
  • Ready to Claim: claim your NFT farmed tokens here! When it turns green, you will be able to collect your GEO$!

